What to Expect from Monovision LASIK Surgery

Wondering what to expect from monovision LASIK surgery? Monovision LASIK Surgery is one of the best options on the market today for improving one’s vision. If you’re thinking about pursuing vision correction options like contacts or glasses, you might find that monovision LASIK surgery can meet your needs more effectively.

However, like any medical procedure, your results will likely be more impressive if you take the time to research the procedure prior to receiving treatment. This means that you’ll be able to discuss your priorities with your doctor that much more effectively.

If you’re considering undergoing monovision LASIK surgery, then take a look at this guide that describes some of the things that you might be able to expect from your LASIK eye treatment.

What Is Monovision LASIK Surgery?

Monovision LASIK Surgery is a subtype of LASIK that corrects one eye of the patient for nearsightedness and one eye for farsightedness. The combined effects of these impacts can significantly improve the vision of patients with these necessities.

A well-executed monovision LASIK procedure can allow a patient to effectively see at all distances. It is distinct from a standard LASIK procedure, which corrects both eyes to see far away.

In order to correctly perform this type of LASIK procedure, your physician will assess your eyesight and determine which of your eyes is dominant. From there, they will make a plan for adjusting the vision in both eyes.

What to Expect from Monovision LASIK Surgery

During monovision LASIK surgery, your physician reshapes the corneas of one’s eyes to correct your vision according to the specifications stated above. This means that one eye will be corrected for nearsightedness, while the other will be corrected for farsightedness.

Each eye should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. After the surgery, you should anticipate a brief adjustment period that should take a few weeks to complete. In some cases, this time period may also take several months. Regardless of the exact time frame surrounding this, you should expect to follow your physician’s directions to the letter.

In terms of results, many patients experience a very high increase in their level of day-to-day eyesight. An additional primary advantage of this procedure is that the results from both monovision LASIK and traditional LASIK are prone to lasting for an extremely long time and, in some cases, lasting for life.

In some cases, the results from monovision LASIK will fade after some time. However, a patient can be expected to reap the rewards from their procedure for quite some time. Sometimes, the overall longevity of results can be impacted by events like accidents or mishaps with the eyes. This may entail returning to the clinic for additional treatment.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for LASIK Surgery?

There’s a strong chance that you’ll be approved for LASIK if you’re interested in receiving treatment. That being said, you should undergo some medical assessment to determine whether or not the procedure is right for you. Some qualifications that are commonly looked for include the following:

  • You should have relatively stable vision
  • You should have generally healthy eyes
  • You should be informed about the reality of the procedure and have healthy expectations regarding it
  • You need to be a legal adult

There are some chronic conditions that can prevent an interested patient from receiving this type of treatment. Some of these conditions include ones of the eyes, as well as more general chronic health conditions such as diabetes.

Side Effects of Monovision LASIK

There are some side effects that you can anticipate after your monovision LASIK procedure is complete. Some of these side effects are common for both monovision LASIK and standard-issue LASIK.

  • Mild eye pain
  • Mild eye discomfort
  • Double vision
  • Experiencing an increased sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Hazy vision
  • Experiencing odd visual phenomenon

There are also some side effects that you should keep an eye out for that might indicate the presence of a more severe reaction to your surgery. This includes things like the following indicators:

  • Sudden loss of vision with no explanation
  • Eye infection or bleeding
  • Abrupt blindness

If your physician believes that you are especially at risk for experiencing some kind of severe side effect, then they will alert you to this possibility at some point in your initial consultation.

The Top Vision Correction Specialist in Orange County

The office at Advanced Eye Medical is completely dedicated to offering patients the highest quality eye care available. If you’re interested in discussing your ideas for vision correction with a dedicated specialist, contact our office today to set up a consultation for monovision LASIK treatment.