Pros and Cons of Monovision Lasik

Roughly 90 million Americans over the age of 40 have vision and eye issues. With roughly 3 in 5 Americans struggling with vision issues, technology has advanced beyond just glasses and contact lenses. Monovision Lasik is an effective treatment option for patients over 40. Below you will find the pros and cons of monovision Lasik.

What Is Monovision Lasik?

Monovision Lasik is an effective procedure for those who suffer from presbyopia. Presbyopia is a condition that often impacts people over 40 and tends to get worse as you age. The condition makes it difficult to focus on nearby objects. Monovision Lasik is used to correct age-related vision loss by adjusting one eye for distance vision and the other eye for close up vision. The non-dominant eye is often set to be focused for near vision, while the dominant eye is set to be focused for distance vision. Your eyes will naturally adapt and sync up to ensure you see clearly at all distances without relying on glasses or contact lenses.

Pros and Cons of Monovision Lasik

There are a number of pros and cons to monovision Lasik. Consider the following if you are interested in the procedure.

Pros of Monovision Lasik

Cost-Effective Treatment:

Monovision Lasik works as a cost-effective procedure, as it comes out less expensive than other forms of refractive eye surgery. This makes it an attractive option for people who want to correct their vision without paying a lot of money. Additionally, the treatment is long-lasting which means you can avoid the costs associated with vision appointments for new glasses or contacts.


One of the primary advantages of monovision Lasik is the convenience that comes with it. Patients who have undergone monovision Lasik can see clearly at both near and far distances without having to use glasses or contacts. This proves particularly beneficial for those who lead active lifestyles or work in fields that require them to have good vision at all distances.

Easily Adaptable:

Good candidates for laser eye surgery in Orange County can easily adapt after the procedure. Patients often return back to their daily routines within a day or two. In terms of adapting to the procedure, most patients easily adapt within a few weeks.

Cons of Monovision Lasik

Potential for Distorted Vision Temporarily:

Patients who undergo monovision Lasik can sometimes experience a distorted visual experience during the adaptation period. Because each eye works adjusted for different purposes, your brain has to learn to switch between the eyes for different purposes. There may be some temporary distortion as your brain is getting used to a new visual experience.

Candidacy Requirements:

The procedure is safe and effective, but it may not be for everyone. Those with certain vision issues and prescriptions may not be good candidates for the procedure. This can be determined at your consultation and alternative treatments may be offered if you are not a candidate for monovision Lasik.

Potential for Reduced Depth Perception:

The procedure optimizes one eye for nearsighted vision and the other for farsighted vision. This can make it more difficult to judge long distances. However, it does not mean that your depth perception completely disappeared, it just may prove reduced. The benefits to your vision often outweigh the reduction in depth perception as you will have much clearer vision.

Laser Eye Surgery in Orange County

If you are unhappy with your vision, consider laser eye surgery. The first step in moving forward is setting up a consultation. The team at Advanced Eye Medical are skilled in a variety of treatment options and have helped countless patients restore their vision. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!