How Do LASIK and iLASIK Differ?

Our goal at Advanced Eye Medical is to offer the best treatments for our patients. One of our most popular and highly sought-after services is laser eye surgery, also known as LASIK. This treatment is a common procedure that helps correct severe cases of nearsightedness or farsightedness. LASIK in Orange County offers a pain-free method of correcting your vision without forcing you to go under the knife. With a quick process and quick recovery time, there is no reason why LASIK can’t be for you. So, let us explore how LASIK and iLASIK differ.

How Do LASIK and iLASIK Differ?

In recent years, Advanced Eye Medical has also started providing iLASIK, or IntraLase. This is a more updated form of the traditional LASIK procedure that uses a bladeless technique. Because it is hard to predict all of our patients’ wants and needs, we offer a variety of services to achieve different goals. If you are wondering, “How do LASIK and iLASIK differ?” then you should keep reading!

Traditional LASIK

Traditional LASIK requires a blade to be held directly above your eyes. This very small blade will make a microscopic cut in your cornea, helping us to reshape and reposition it. This will improve your eyesight instantaneously. There are some key differences between the two types, as well as their own sets of pros and cons, that can help you determine which one is right for you.

Traditional LASIK is a good idea for anyone who is in great general health and does not suffer from any sensitivities.

Most LASIK patients:

  • Are 18 years of age or older.
  • Have not had a change in prescription in the last year
  • Have no eye diseases or complications
  • Are in good general health as required for any surgery

While the process of using a blade for eye surgery can seem scary, you will feel nothing at all. The cut does not produce blood, nor does it cause any long-term injury. In fact, by being able to bend and pull at the cornea, we can completely correct your vision.

iLASIK (IntraLase)

iLASIK is an all-new, all-laser, all-computer-controlled approach to laser vision correction. Instead of using a small blade to create the corneal cut, iLASIK completely eliminates the need for one. We use an advanced technology that uses laser light to create incredibly precise and accurate cuts. This laser light controls the shape and adjustment of your cornea without the need for surgical intervention.

Pros and Cons of iLASIK

As a newer form of treatment, there are a few risks that you should be aware of. However, this is generally an incredibly safe treatment.


  • Suitable for people with thin corneas
  • An alternative for those who are not suited for traditional LASIK
  • Generally considered safer compared to traditional LASIK in most cases


  • This can lead to temporary photophobia
  • The laser affects cell division and thus can produce slight changes in the corneal appearance

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks, although extremely low. If you want to know more about how you can sign up for one of our LASIK procedures, contact us as soon as possible.

Sign up for Your LASIK Consultation Today

You can learn more about the incredible benefits of LASIK and our all-new blade-free LASIK treatment when you speak with our experts. All of our staff members are excited to share with you the benefits of both bladed and bladeless laser correction. Most of our patients can easily become candidates for our diverse LASIK treatments just by being in good general health and struggling with myopia.

You can sign up for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Ghosheh by visiting us online. Contact us now to start your journey towards improved, lasting eyesight!