Most Common Causes of Double Vision

Double vision, also medically known as diplopia, is when one sees a double image of something when there should only be one.  Sometimes these images can be on top of one another or side-by-side, or even a combination of both.  Double vision can affect one eye (monocular double vision) or both eyes (binocular double vision).  As one could imagine, viewing the world with double images can make managing everyday tasks very difficult.  Anything from reading, driving, to even walking or maintaining your balance.Double vision, also medically known as diplopia, is when one sees a double image of something when there should only be one.  Sometimes these images can be on top of one another or side-by-side, or even a combination of both.  Double vision can affect one eye (monocular double vision) or both eyes (binocular double vision).  As one could imagine, viewing the world with double images can make managing everyday tasks very difficult.  Anything from reading, driving, to even walking or maintaining your balance.

For more information on vision treatment and quality LASIK eye surgery in Orange County, trust the expertise of Advanced Eye Medical.

Double vision is caused by a number of things, some which are treatable and not too concerning, while others may be more serious.  Below are the most common causes of double vision.

Squinting.  A condition known as squinting is when the eyes are not properly aligned.  It is a condition more common during childhood and causes the eyes to look in different directions.  The eye muscles can become paralyzed, weak or have restricted movement.  In some cases, patients have experienced double vision following treatment for squinting.  This is typically the result of the brain having to work so hard to send signals to maintain “normal vision” for so long that it takes some time to adjust.

Stroke. When a patient experiences a stroke, it is not uncommon for them to also experience double vision.  The blood vessels that supply the nerves that control the eye muscles can be impacted during the stroke and patients can have difficulty seeing clearly.

Thyroid. The thyroid has been known to affect the muscles that control the eye.  For those that suffer from Grave’s disease (also known as hyperthyroidism), patients can experience double vision as a symptom.

Diabetes.  Patients with diabetes also experience a change in their vision.  The blood vessels that supply blood to the retina can be affected.  This can damage the muscle, which can cause double vision.• Diabetes.  Patients with diabetes also experience a change in their vision.  The blood vessels that supply blood to the retina can be affected.  This can damage the muscle, which can cause double vision.

Cataracts. Cataracts affect over 50% of those over the age of 80 in the United States.  Those that have cataracts have reported double vision.  Cataract surgery can help to remove the cause of the double vision. For cataracts surgery in Orange County, contact Advanced Eye Medical.

Keratoconus.  Keratoconus is a degenerative eye condition that causes the cornea to thin and begin to form the shape of a cone.  This causes the clear tissue in the front of the eye to bulge outward.  This condition can impair the vision.

Multiple Sclerosis.  Multiple sclerosis (or “MS”) can affect the nerves in the spinal cord or the brain, which may also include the nerves that control the eyes.  If this happens, one can sometimes experience double vision.

Brain Tumor or Cancer.  A tumor or growth behind the eye can damage the nerves around the eye and even prohibit movement of the eye.  This can cause double vision while the eye is unable to freely move and function properly.

Migraine Headaches.  For those that suffer from migraine headaches, a severe and often chronic form of headache that begins to take on other physical ailments, it is not uncommon to experience double vision.

Dry Eyes. When the eyes do not produce enough tears, they begin to dry out.  If they become too dry, they can become inflamed and sore.  This irritation from dry eye syndrome can result in double vision.  For those that experience chronic dry eyes, a prescription for lubricating and hydrating the eyes may help provide the eyes relief.

Temporary Double Vision

There are times when double vision is temporary. This can be anything from alcohol intoxication, seizure or epilepsy medication, or even head injuries. Head injuries are a common cause of temporary double vision. Even though the double vision may be temporary, it can still be a symptom or sign of a much more serious condition. Additionally, if you experience double vision following a head injury, it is important to seek medical treatment. Concussions can seem minor at first, but can become very serious very quickly and should not be taken lightly.


As one can see from the variety of potential causes of double vision, some may be minor or temporary and not require much care. However, others may be symptoms of much more serious conditions or health condition that may require additional medical attention. In fact, for some patients that experience double vision, it can often be the reason more serious conditions are diagnosed in the first place. This is why it is advisable to see a doctor whenever you experience double vision. He or she can check your overall health and identify and treat the root cause of the double vision.

Treatment varies and depends on the determined root cause and can range anywhere from medicine to surgery.

LASIK Eye Surgery in Orange County

If you are experiencing double vision and have not sought medical help, contact the medical professionals at Advanced Eye Medical today at 1-866-997-2020 or by e-mail at Located in the Orange County area of Southern California, we can check you and your overall eye health and make a recommendation for the next best step for treatment. For quality LASIK eye surgery in Orange County, contact us to schedule an appointment today!