Older woman holding her eyes, struggling with vision loss. Deciding on iLasik in Orange County.

What Causes Gradual Vision Loss? Should You be Worried?

It’s no secret that our eyes deteriorate over time. As you grow older, your vision begins to weaken, much like other aspects of your body as well. One of the biggest concerns our Advanced Eye Medical patients are faced with is the fear that their vision will go fast, without anything to stop it. But … Read more

is glaucoma hereditary?

Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

Glaucoma is one of the scarier words in the medical dictionary when it comes to optometry. It’s something that everyone is bound to develop over time, and with age, grows worse. However, there are treatments available and it is now possible to spot glaucoma in the early stages. If you are recently diagnosed with glaucoma, … Read more

Elderly pensioner female eye closeup

The Relationship Between Cataracts and Glaucoma

As we age, our vision can change. Our need for glasses and corrective lenses grows and the potential for vision loss can increase as well. In fact, many people over the age of 60 develop cataracts and even glaucoma. But what is the difference between the two? Read on to learn more about these two … Read more

The Dangers of Glaucoma

We put a lot of trust in our eyes. They keep us out of danger, observe the beauty and wonders of the world, and serve as a window into our personalities. But what happens when the pressure on our eyes gets too great? Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve is pushed beyond … Read more

Pain Behind the Eyes: What are the Causes?

Whenever a new pain starts, it causes anxiety and we immediately look for answers. This is especially true with pain behind the eyes; the thought of losing vision is a horrifying one for most of us. Luckily, most causes for pain behind the eyes can be simple and benign, but there are a few cases … Read more

Is There Hereditary and Non-hereditary Glaucoma?

The term glaucoma refers to a series of diseases that irreversibly damage the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness, if left untreated. One significant risk factor is increased pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world after cataracts. Everyone is at risk for glaucoma, … Read more

Healthy, Happy Eyes: Understanding Glaucoma

Maybe you’ve never heard of glaucoma. Maybe you’ve heard of it and even been screened for it by your eye doctor, but you aren’t quite sure what it is. Glaucoma is something everyone should know about. Why? Here are 4 good reasons from glaucoma.org: Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness There is … Read more