Effects of not correcting vision.

Effects of Not Correcting Vision

If you find yourself squinting, increasing the size of text on your phone or computer, or even notice that street signs aren’t as clear as they used to be, it’s time to head to the eye doctor. While many people let going to the dentist or doctor go to the wayside once life gets busy, … Read more

Ten interesting eye facts.

Ten Interesting Eye Facts

Your eyes are often seen as the window to your soul, and they are also your window for you to see the world. With vision as one of the five senses, people often overlook or even take for granted their vision. Despite being a very small part of your body, your eyes are extremely interesting. … Read more

Man suffering from worst habits for your eyes

Worst Habits for Your Eyes

Everyone knows that staring at the sun can greatly damage your eyes and your vision. It is easy to avoid this danger by not looking at the sky too often. But did you know there are other daily habits causing problems to your eyes that are much harder to ignore? You might engage in certain … Read more

Woman who knows to protect your eyesight with sunglasses

How to Protect Your Eyesight

Did you know that just over 16% of American adults have eye problems that are so severe it affects their eyesight? Even more staggering is the number of people who are at risk of developing problems that will increase eyesight problems as they get older. There are many factors in life that can put your … Read more

Protect your eyes from digital strain.

Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain

We live in a digital world. During both our working hours and recreational time, digital screens are an increasingly prominent feature in our lives. As a result, most of us are spending far more time looking at a screen than our optometrists would like. The truth is that our eyes weren’t really designed to work … Read more

Man string at computer is one of habits that are bad for your eyes.

The Daily Habits that are Hurting Your Eyes

Human beings are a highly visual species. We rely on our vision to an astonishing degree, yet we tend to take our eyes for granted. Everything from the food we put into our bodies to our sleeping habits has a continued effect on the health and efficacy of our eyes. Therefore, if you want to … Read more

Can coronavirus spread through eyes

Can Coronavirus Spread Through Eyes? Health and Safety Tips

During this time of pandemic, people are self-isolating and maintaining quarantine standards to stop the spread of COVID-19. As more and more becomes apparent about the coronavirus, medical standards change rapidly. This is a time of concern for patients who worry about the various ways in which this virus can be transmitted. There is plenty … Read more

Why you should stop rubbing your eyes NOW

Rubbing your eyes is a completely normal response. When you get an itch, or they feel a little dry, most of us give into the temptation to rub them because the movement stimulates tear production, which can alleviate your immediate symptoms. However, it is also one of the worst things you can do for the … Read more

Woman experiencing eye sensitivity to light in one eye

Can One Eye be More Sensitive to Light Than the Other?

Eye sensitivity to light cannot only be uncomfortable, but it can also trigger painful sensations and terrible migraines. This phenomenon is called photophobia. While for many, photophobia affects both eyes, there cases of it only affecting one eye. This is unilateral photophobia. If either of these conditions has impacted your quality of life or continued … Read more

Young woman on pink background removing fake glasses

Can my Eyesight Improve Naturally?

Sight is a precious sense that most of us take for granted. It is key to the way most human beings function as social, omnivorous predators. Therefore, it is no surprise that our society prizes good eyesight above every other sense. Not even our hearing comes under as much scrutiny as our ability to see without corrective lenses. Fortunately, if you do notice that your eyesight seems to be deteriorating, then there may be something you can do to stop or even have your eyesight improve.

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