Can Men Get Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery isn’t just for women. In fact, it is often more beneficial for men due to their natural facial structure. Sure every man’s face is different. However, men are more likely to have heavy brows and prominent cheekbones.

Can Men Get Eyelid Surgery 

Both of these features help to create the definition that we commonly associate with masculinity. Unfortunately, these bulky features are also more likely to experience significant sagging with age. For many men eyelid surgery isn’t just a matter of aesthetic choice. It’s a necessity for their quality of life. 

Medically Necessary Upper Blepharoplasty

A well-defined brow ridge is often considered a handsome feature, but it has drawbacks. As we age, our skin produces less collagen and elastin. These changes result in a loss of volume, leaving extra skin to wrinkle. 

In a man with a heavier brow ridge, the wrinkling is often more severe. Gravity sets in and causes the excess skin to sag. The brows may sink so low that they weigh down the upper eyelid and obscure your vision. In these cases, an upper blepharoplasty is necessary to preserve your comfort and your eyesight. 

Having an Upper Blepharoplasty

An upper blepharoplasty is sometimes a medical necessity. However, that isn’t the only reason to have one. Wanting to look more like yourself is also a valid reason to undergo eyelid surgery. In either case, the procedure will be very similar.

During your upper blepharoplasty, your eye surgeon in Orange County will remove excess skin and tissue to reduce the weight of the brow ridge and upper eyelid. The incisions are carefully hidden in the folds of the eyelid, making scars virtually invisible. 

Once you’ve healed, you will be able to fully open your eyes, see more clearly, and enjoy the benefits of looking much younger. Depending on the condition of your lower eyelid, you may choose to pair your upper blepharoplasty with a lower blepharoplasty. 

The Purpose of Lower Blepharoplasty

A lower blepharoplasty addresses the skin, muscle, and fat beneath the lower eyelid. As with the upper eyelid and brow, this skin is highly sensitive and tends to show the earliest signs of aging. Sagging skin and drooping fat pads are very common. 

These changes often come in two forms. You either lose so much volume that your eyes appear hollow or the fat pad becomes exceedingly prominent. Both scenarios age your face significantly. A lower blepharoplasty addresses these problems. 

Having a Lower Blepharoplasty

When you get your lower eyelid surgery in Orange County your surgeon will remove excess skin and tissue to give your face a more youthful appearance. In some situations, a lower blepharoplasty will be paired with another minor procedure to address the placement of the fat pad in your cheek. 

As with an upper blepharoplasty, incisions are well-hidden. In this case, your surgeon will typically work through an incision that is placed almost directly on your lower lash line. The results will make you look younger and more alert. You won’t have to worry about constant under-eye circles anymore.

Choosing Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is not gender-specific. In the best circumstances, cosmetic surgery can help you to feel like a more authentic version of yourself, and that is for everyone. You shouldn’t have to dread looking in the mirror.

If you are considering having eyelid surgery, then don’t hesitate to contact your board-certified eye surgeon. They can help you get the information you need to make an informed decision on what is best for you. Ultimately, choosing eyelid surgery is entirely up to you.