What Can iLASIK Do for Athletes?

For many athletes, strong vision is not only important, it’s imperative. Whether they are keeping their eyes on the ball or the prize, athletes depend on having great vision to perform at their very best. It’s often necessary for them to react quickly in specific situations, using skills such as peripheral vision, visual tracking, and … Read more

Cataract Surgery and the Older Patient

As we age, our vision changes. Small print is harder to read, minor vision issues become more pronounced and sometimes, we develop cataracts, or a clouding of the lenses resulting in blurred vision. Cataract surgery can help to restore your vision and reduce the visual difficulties that come with the lens of your eyes being … Read more

The Anatomy of the Eye and Lasik

Lasik eye surgery has become a great option for those who want to improve their vision. Here is a description of how your vision is corrected and what eye conditions benefit most from this impressive procedure. Lasik and the Anatomy of Your Eye Most Lasik procedures involve working on the cornea of the eye. Positioned … Read more

Answers to the Most Common Lasik Questions

Thinking about Lasik eye surgery? This surgical procedure is an investment in improving the quality of your vision and ultimately, your life. Knowing what to expect in terms of how it works and how long the results are going to last will ensure that you are making the best decision for your vision. Here are … Read more

What Diabetes Means for Your Eyes

Nearly 30 million people in the US have diabetes, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). It is widely known that diabetes affects the blood vessels and nerves of the body. However, what people often are not aware of is the damage it can cause to the eyes. For the eyes, the damage to … Read more

Is iLasik Better Than Traditional Lasik?

Lasik surgery works to correct your vision so that you can better see the world around you. There are two primary Lasik types that you can talk to your eye doctor about: iLasik and traditional Lasik. Both procedures have differences that can impact your overall results, so knowing the differences between the two is important … Read more

Why Is Wearing Sunglasses Important During Summer?

Wearing sunglasses is more than simply a fashion statement. In fact, protecting your eyes from potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV) is important to the long-term health of your eyes. The life-giving sun, despite its myriad benefits to the world’s ecology, can prove harmful to the human eye, especially during summer. The rays of the sun … Read more

Astigmatism: What Exactly is This Condition

Many people have heard the term but, unless you have this condition, it’s may be a mystery. Astigmatism is a common condition that affects the eyes. In fact, a majority of people have astigmatism to some degree. If the condition is minor and doesn’t cause symptoms, treatment is usually not necessary. When the astigmatism is … Read more

What is Low Vision?

Low vision is most common in adults age sixty and over, though, vision impairment can affect younger people as well and because it can affect people of all ages, vision loss can make day-to-day tasks difficult. The best way to keep up an active lifestyle while dealing with the effects of low vision is to … Read more

Top 10 Reasons iLasik Trumps Traditional Eyeglasses

LASIK is the procedure of correcting vision using a laser to reshape the inner cornea. It is well known for changing people for the better by allowing them to live their lives without the inconvenience of eyeglasses and contact lenses. iLASIK is considered by many to be the most advanced of all the LASIK systems … Read more