Exactly How Much Cheaper is Lasik than Contacts?

Anyone who has ever purchased contacts knows that they do not come cheap. Purchasing contacts and supplies can add up over time, as you have to stock up frequently and replace any lost or damaged contacts. Lasik can permanently correct vision without the use of contacts or eyeglasses. But is the procedure more cost-effective in … Read more

Celebs Want to See, Too!

Beautiful and fully-functioning eyes are important to celebs. Long hours spent in contacts can cause red and irritated eyes, which are forbidden in the spotlight. Glasses can distract audiences from a celeb’s beauty as well as their emotional performances. Being sans glasses and contacts can help them to land bigger and better roles. As such, … Read more

When Will I Know that My Glasses Are No Longer Effective?

Wearing glasses can become like second nature to most. You put them on when you need to see and your vision problems are corrected. However, your glasses won’t always correct your vision, as prescriptions tend to change over time. Because glasses aren’t always reliable, knowing when your prescription is no longer effective is important. Symptoms … Read more

Olympians and Lasik

Exceptional athletes, like Olympic competitors, need to have strong vision. Good vision equals good performance. Contacts and glasses can impede an athlete’s ability and prevent them from performing at their best. Just imagine being a speed skater, for example, and having to wear contacts while the icy wind blows in your eyes at 30+ mph. … Read more

Top 11 Daily Struggles That People with Glasses Face

Sure, it’s become a hipster thing to wear glasses. But so many of those hipsters don’t absolutely need the glasses to see. Millions of people rely on glasses to see, but glasses can be as agonizing as they are helpful. Bespectacled people everywhere face struggles with their glasses everyday, but 11 of these struggles are … Read more

6 Sports Greats Who’ve Had LASIK Surgery

LASIK Surgery, or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis if you hate acronyms, is an increasingly popular form of vision correction that can dramatically improve your vision and provide a permanent alternative to glasses or contacts. Millions of people have undergone this minimally-invasive surgery and received incredible results, but some of the more prominent patients may surprise … Read more

Choosing the Lasik Surgeon Who Caters to You

We’ve all heard Shakespeare’s saying “the eyes are the window to the soul.” However, some “windows” are harder to see through than others. Improved vision can have a significant impact on our lives, so it makes sense to find the best surgeon possible to handle your vision correction surgery. However, it’s important to find a … Read more

See How LASIK is making your Glasses and Contacts Obsolete

LASIK surgery is something many people have considered, but never gone through with because frankly, no one is particularly keen on lasers near their eyes. Modern LASIK essentially works by using a pair of lasers, one to first create a thin piece of hinged tissue known as a “flap” in the cornea or front surface … Read more

Athletes and iLASIK: Do They Mix?

From a pro football player to a kindergarten teacher, people from various professions and lifestyles can benefit from LASIK surgery. As an excellent solution to improving vision, LASIK has allowed millions of people to say “so long” to the hassle of glasses and contact lenses. Now the life-changing procedure has been perfected with iLASIK, a … Read more

How Long Will My Lasik Results Last?

The one thing that keeps people from undergoing Lasik is the concern that results won’t last. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure designed to reshape your cornea and can improve your sight for life. Why It’s Long-Lasting Results vary from patient to patient. Many experience lifelong benefits, … Read more