Pupil Dilation Explained

When you visit your local eye specialist for a vision exam, you will likely be told that your pupils should be dilated in order for the doctor to fully examine your eyes. This is the best way for our experts at Advanced Eye Medical to assess your optical health.   But, why exactly do your … Read more

What is the Difference Between an Optometrist and Ophthalmologist?

It seems that each specialized doctor has a different name for what they specialize in. Keeping track of these names can be hard for the average person. It’s especially hard when it feels like there are multiple doctor classifications for the same body part. Maintaining good eyesight is extremely important, so it’s of the utmost … Read more

Woman on couch resting her eyes

Is Resting Your Eyes as Beneficial as Sleeping?

Have you ever had a moment where you’d really like to fall asleep or take a nap, but you’re not able to due to outside circumstances or even just not able to fall asleep? During those moments, we might just shut our eyes, hoping that resting them with do just as good of a trick … Read more

Woman's eyes burning outside

Why are Your Eyes Burning?

Are your eyes burning? Do they suddenly feel red and puffy? There can be a number of reasons why you suddenly feel this painful sensation in your eyes. Burning can happen due to pain or itching, or it can happen all on its own. As a leading eye doctor in Orange County, Dr. Ghosheh can … Read more

Dim lamp on table in bedroom for eye strain

Designing an Eye-Friendly Home to Avoid Eye Strain

With the advent of certain technologies over the last few decades, more and more time is spent looking at screens. Whether it’s using a computer or tablet screen at work or looking down at one’s cell phone, eye strain is a major impact of excessive screen time. Between work and home, the average person spends … Read more

Bringing a bright landscape into focus when looking to improve your vision

Best Ways to Improve Your Vision Today

Most people start to develop some issues with their vision as they age. This usually starts to occur around our 40’s-50’s and is most commonly found as poor vision at close distances, which is why so many older adults require reading glasses. However, of course, you may also develop the inability to see things far … Read more

Boy with headphones on looking at red video game screen

Can Video Games Damage Your Eyes?

The negative side effects of video games have constantly been debated since their inception. In fact, in the early 1990s, congress had hearings about violence in video games. Psychological implications aside, are your eyes being negatively affected by video game use? As a top eye doctor in Orange County, Dr. Ghosheh wants you to have … Read more

Woman in the dark

How Do Your Eyes Adjust to the Dark?

One of the most fascinating and adaptable organs in the human body is the eye. Sight is one of the five senses and arguably one of the more important ones as vision is a major aspect of daily life. One of the most remarkable aspects of one’s eyes and vision is the ability for our … Read more

New pair of glasses on white background

Adjusting to New Glasses: What You Can Expect

Getting a new pair of glasses is an exciting time for any established owner of imperfect vision. New frames present an opportunity to reinvent your style and, by extension, yourself. Unfortunately, new glasses can take some time to get used to. Headaches and visual distortion are both par for the course in the first few … Read more

Window cleaner cleaning cataracts from human eye. Can lasik fix cataracts?

Can Lasik Fix Cataracts?

Cataracts are a fairly common condition among Americans. It affects more than 24.4 million Americans over the age of forty. Approximately half of all Americans ages 75 or older have cataracts. Due to a large number of people suffering from cataracts, treatment technology is making leaps and bounds. You may have heard of Lasik eye … Read more