Does Insurance Cover LASIK?

Does Insurance Cover LASIK?

LASIK eye surgery is a popular procedure that only grows in popularity as more information about its benefits and results becomes available to the public. LASIK eye surgery is a simple and virtually painless procedure, offering a convenient way to correct and strengthen your vision. But many may wonder, does insurance cover LASIK? With the … Read more

What does 20/20 vision mean?

What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

We have all heard those lucky people who have never needed to wear glasses or contacts brag about their 20/20 vision. But what does that really mean? Most of the time, people claiming to have it don’t even know. The truth is that there is no such thing as perfect vision. All vision is relative. … Read more

Does LASIK help cataracts?

Does LASIK Help With Cataracts?

What are Cataracts? Cataracts are an eye condition that causes blurry and clouded vision. It’s most common among those who are older, specifically those who are over the age of sixty. In the United States alone, cataracts affect more than 24.4 million people over the age of forty. The risk gets higher as one gets … Read more

Can coronavirus spread through eyes

Can Coronavirus Spread Through Eyes? Health and Safety Tips

During this time of pandemic, people are self-isolating and maintaining quarantine standards to stop the spread of COVID-19. As more and more becomes apparent about the coronavirus, medical standards change rapidly. This is a time of concern for patients who worry about the various ways in which this virus can be transmitted. There is plenty … Read more

Dirty Contact Lenses

How Dirty Are Your Contacts?

Wearing contact lenses seems like the easiest thing in the world, until you get your first eye infection. Even the most careful contact lens users are incapable of being 100% safe. There’s no way to be sure that all bacteria have been completely removed from their lenses. And, these are objects that they physically place … Read more

Understanding Headaches and Vision

Headaches and vision problems can go hand-in-hand. You may have a headache that causes vision problems. Or, you may have vision problems that are causing your headaches. Either way, they are often painful, uncomfortable, and can impact your regular daily activities. While a headache can usually be cured with some rest, pain medicine, and relaxation, … Read more

Why you should stop rubbing your eyes NOW

Rubbing your eyes is a completely normal response. When you get an itch, or they feel a little dry, most of us give into the temptation to rub them because the movement stimulates tear production, which can alleviate your immediate symptoms. However, it is also one of the worst things you can do for the … Read more

Woman experiencing eye sensitivity to light in one eye

Can One Eye be More Sensitive to Light Than the Other?

Eye sensitivity to light cannot only be uncomfortable, but it can also trigger painful sensations and terrible migraines. This phenomenon is called photophobia. While for many, photophobia affects both eyes, there cases of it only affecting one eye. This is unilateral photophobia. If either of these conditions has impacted your quality of life or continued … Read more

Young couple eye contact in dating

Look at Me! The Importance of Eye Contact in Dating

There’s a science to love and attraction that has a lot to do with the visual world around us. At Advanced Eye Medical, we are always looking for a visual connection. You may not know this, but eye contact in dating has a big effect on your experience. Have you ever been told to maintain … Read more

Young woman on pink background removing fake glasses

Can my Eyesight Improve Naturally?

Sight is a precious sense that most of us take for granted. It is key to the way most human beings function as social, omnivorous predators. Therefore, it is no surprise that our society prizes good eyesight above every other sense. Not even our hearing comes under as much scrutiny as our ability to see without corrective lenses. Fortunately, if you do notice that your eyesight seems to be deteriorating, then there may be something you can do to stop or even have your eyesight improve.

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