Benefits of Light Adjustable Lenses

Cataract surgery is a traditional treatment for reducing cloudy spots on the top of the eye. Cataracts might develop for many reasons, including aging and genetic predisposition. No matter the reason for your cataracts, there are many excellent ways to treat them before the symptoms get out of hand. Dr. Ghosheh’s eye care center is constantly pushing the latest advancements in cataract surgery to give you incredible boosts to your eye health. In addition to getting rid of existing cataracts, our surgery options can also give you new and stronger lenses to keep future cataracts at bay. Today, we are going to talk about the benefits of Light Adjustable Lenses for our patients in Orange County. 


What Is a Light Adjustable Lens? 

Once you begin developing cataracts, you need to sign up for cataract surgery as soon as possible to prevent their spread. Luckily, our treatments do more than remove already-forming cataracts. We offer Light Adjustable Lenses, an advanced form of intraocular lenses (IOLs)

Light Adjustable Lenses are adaptable to your eyes, allowing you to speed up your healing and potentially repair your eyesight beyond its original ability. After Dr. Ghosheh removes all traces of cataracts, he implants new lenses into your eye. They refract light more efficiently than your eyes with cataracts and traditional IOLs, improving your vision. 


Personalizing Your Light Adjustable Lenses 

We use a Light Delivery Device to adjust your Light Adjustable Lenses to the proper shape. Light Delivery Devices send directed UV light rays to the implanted lenses. The lenses will change shape and curvature depending on how much light they are exposed to. After a few sessions with the Light Delivery Device, the doctor will assess your vision and determine subsequent steps. 


Scheduling Your Light Adjustable Lens Treatments

To maximize the effects of your adjustable Light Adjustable Lens, you may need to schedule multiple treatments with Dr. Ghosheh. Multiple sessions are required because the treatment uses UV light exposure to adjust the curve of your new lenses, and it takes a few sessions for the effects of the light treatment to stick. Throughout the sessions, these light treatments will offer cleaner and more precise vision with lasting effects. 


Benefits of Light Adjustable Lenses At Advanced Eye Medical

Since your eyes are unique, you deserve a treatment that is just as individualized. Our Light Adjustable Lens implants can help you regain and strengthen your vision. It is an amazing way to rid yourself of cataracts and set yourself up for a future of good eye health. 

Other benefits of the treatment include: 

  • Painless treatment delivery: The Light Delivery Device uses UV light rays, so there is no need for an intensive procedure each time you visit the eye doctor. 
  • More specific eyesight preferences: Our advanced technology allows us to give you ultra-customized results. We use the light device to shape your new lenses to suit your specific needs.
  • Quick results: Sessions are usually scheduled a few days apart, and the average person requires between three and five sessions in total. This means that you can enjoy the full results of your procedure within a couple of weeks.
  • Perfected vision. Many patients are able to restore 20/20 vision after completing these treatments. If you want to get rid of glasses and contacts altogether, Light Adjustable Lenses can increase your chances of improving your eyesight for good.


We cannot wait to show you how our advanced Light Adjustable Lenses offer a renewed opportunity to improve your eyesight. After removing cataracts, you can promote better eye health and stay on top of your vision needs with these quick and easy UV light sessions. Schedule an appointment with us today to completely transform your eye health!