Using Screens After LASIK

LASIK is a revolutionary vision correction procedure that can improve your eyesight without having to make any physical contact with your eyes at all. Depending on the nature of your eyesight and the progression of the healing process, it can take a little bit of time to fully recover from this procedure. During that time, it is important to keep your eyes away from screens or anything that projects intense light. 

Using Screens After LASIK 

Visit your Orange County LASIK Center to learn more about using screens after LASIK and how long you need to wait before resuming normal life activities again.

Day 1 of Recovery

As with any medical procedure, the first day of recovery is the toughest. The FDA recommends that you wait at least 24 hours before looking at a screen again. This includes watching TV, looking at your phone, using a tablet, or playing video games. Your eyes are the most sensitive during this time, and prolonged exposure to artificial light can mess up the results of the surgery. 

It is also recommended to take a few days off of work just to give yourself plenty of time to recover. There may be temporary discomforts and visual distortions that will go away after a while. 

Why You Must Minimize Your Screen Time

Why do we recommend waiting 24 hours before looking at a screen? There are many reasons, but one of the most important is that staring at a screen can accelerate the drying process. This will force your eyes to dry out as they strain to see what is on the screen. This kind of damage may result in longer healing times or a surgical correction which will require another surgery. 

24 hours of no screen time is one of the many things to expect during the LASIK procedure. After 24 hours, you may slowly resume daily activities by watching TV or looking at your phone. It is imperative to monitor how your eyes feel as things gradually return to normal. 

After the First 24 Hours

Your eyes might be foggy, which can make it difficult to see things clearly. This is a symptom that will go away within the first 24 or 48 hours of your LASIK procedure. While you only need to wait one day before watching TV, some doctors may recommend that you wait two days. 

Your eyes will be more sensitive than usual during this small recovery period, and you must take care when choosing to look at screens or faraway objects. In order to best protect your eyes against harmful UV rays or other damaging lights, you might want to wear sunglasses until your sensitivity levels are brought back down. 

Preventing Eye Strain

Within the first few days following your LASIK procedure, your eyes may still be sensitive. One of the biggest symptoms you want to avoid is having dry eyes, which can unnecessarily strain the eyes and stop recovery altogether. You will likely be given some prescription eye drops that you shouldn’t be afraid to use whenever needed. 

Another thing you can do to prevent too much strain is to give yourself a break after looking at the screen for too long. Use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes of screen time should result in a 20-second break to look at an object over 20 feet away from you. This can reset your eyes and prevent dryness as you go about your day. 

Be Good to Your Eyes – Get LASIK Correction Today

If you are struggling to see and fear your vision is dwindling, now is the best time to seek monovision LASIK correction. And using screens after Lasik has fully healed is fine. So, the quick and simple procedure may leave your eyes feeling a little uncomfortable and sensitive for 24 hours, which is why it is best to stay away from the screen. Otherwise, the road to recovery is smooth and fast. Learn more about your LASIK options by contacting our team of experts today!