Does Dehydration Affect Your Eyes?

While many are familiar with the causes and severity of dehydration, few know the detrimental impact that it can have on your eyes. According to University Health News, the eyes are especially vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. They go on to site that “when deprived of water, cells shrink and fail to transport nutrients, use energy, grow, divide, replicate DNA, or communicate with each other.” Since these effects can seriously hinder optimal eye health, it is important to contact Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical for a consultation and all your questions about Orange County LASIK.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common, and often painful, result from dehydration. The American Optometric Association defines dry eye as a “condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye.” Since tears are essential to the health of your eye and clear vision, it is important that you seek treatment. While rehydrating by drinking plenty of water and eye drops can significantly help your symptoms, knowing the direct causes can help from dry eye becoming a chronic issue. It is easy to pinpoint when dry eye symptoms start, so be sure to take note of exactly what you were doing before the symptoms started since these actions may be linked to your dry eyes. Everyone has dry eyes every now and then, so do not be worried if it happens irregularly; however, if it becomes more of a frequent issue, be sure to take care of it quickly.

Issues with Blood Flow

Most are fully aware of how dehydration can affect eye dryness, but dehydration can also affect the overall health of your eyes by causing occlusion of the central retinal veins, which carry blood out of the eyes. This causes the blood to buildup from inadequate blood flow, resulting in swelling. While this swelling may initially seem minor, it has been known to reduce vision from 20/20 to 20/70. Additionally, if chronic trauma is placed on the central retinal veins then dangerous blood clots can develop. Blood clotting and swelling of the eyes is not as common as dry eyes, and most people have not experienced this before. It is important not to take this lightly if the symptoms occur because it may become a more serious problem that can significantly affect your eyesight. For any questions you may have about symptoms that you are experiencing, be sure to contact Advanced Eye Medical for information on Orange County LASIK.

Inability to Clear Debris from The Eyes

One of the main ways that tears help with eye health is through clearing dirt and other debris from the eyes. This function is to keep your eyes from having constant irritation that may cause permanent damage due to foreign objects present in the eyes. However, if you are dehydrated, then your tears lose their ability to properly provide this function. To ensure that you avoid this discomfort, make sure to drink plenty of water and maintain regular visits with your optometrist. The best way to keep your tears functioning properly is to stay hydrated; work hard to not let your body get to the point of dehydration since it is much harder to become hydrated than to stay hydrated.

With such serious, detrimental effects of dehydration on your eyes, it is of the utmost importance that you make your eye health a priority. To speak with Dr. Ghosheh at Advanced Eye Medical about Orange County LASIK and your eye health, contact us today.